Past Events
Simultaneous Prediction and Community Detection for Networks
Dr. Jesus Arroyo Relion
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
Tensor Modeling in Categorical Data Analysis and Association
Dr. Xin (Henry) Zhang
Department of Statistics
Florida State University
A Distributed Particle-based Approach to Calibrate a Hydrological Model
Dr. Ben Seiyon Lee
Department of Statistics
George Mason University
Shape-Constrained Estimation in Functional Regression with Bernstein Polynomials
Dr. Rahul Ghosal
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of South Carolina
High-dimensional T-distributed Tensor Response Regression
Dr. Qing Mai
Department of Statistics
Florida State University
Using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation in a Multilevel Regression
Dr. Fui Swen Kuh
Research Fellow
Monash University, Australia
Musings on Subdata Selection
Dr. John Stufken
Department of Statistics
George Mason University
Variable Neuronal Spiking in a Different Way
Dr. Cheng Ly
Virginia Commonwealth University
Oh, the Places You'll Go: A Tale of a Data Scientist
Subhash Jaini
Reliable Feature Selection and Prediction under Adverse Contamination
Dr. David Kepplinger
George Mason University
How Well Can We Learn Large Factor Models without Assuming Strong Factors?
Dr. Yinchu Zhu
Brandeis University
Nonparametric Reinforcement Learning for Survival Outcomes
Dr. Michael Kosorok
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kernel Two-Sample Metrics in High-Dimension
Dr. Xianyang Zhang
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
Structural Deep Learning in a Conditional Asset Pricing
Dr. Yuan Liao
Rutgers University
Understanding Outcome Reasoning and the Rise of Machine Learning
Dr. Jordan Rodu
University of Virginia
Measuring Sensitivity to Nonignorable Incompleteness
Dr. Daniel F. Heitjan
Southern Methodist University and UT Southwestern Medical Center
The Uses of Statistics and Data-Analytics at a Federal Reserve Bank
Dr. Kartik B. Athreya
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
SEIRD Model for Qatar: A Case Study
Dr. Edward Boone
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Framework for Bayesian EWMA and CUSUM Control Charts using Loss Functions
Chelsea L. Jones
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Robust MAVE through Nonconvex Penalized Regression
Jing Zhang
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
A Comparison of Experimental Designs for Calibration
Christine M. McAnulty
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Building an Identifiable Dynamic Linear Model
Albert H. Lee III
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Some Statistical Approaches for the Detection of Cocaine Use Disorder to Brain Functional Connectivity
Jifang Zhao
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
A Confidence Region for the Elastic Shape Mean of Planar Curves
Dr. Justin Strait
Department of Statistics
University of Georgia
Energy Harvesting with Statistics
Dr. Karla Mossi
Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
Advanced Tensor Learning with Applications in Multimodality Imaging Analysis
Dr. Xiwei Tang
University of Virginia
Gaussian Process Computing with Vecchia’s Approximation
Dr. Joe Guinness
Cornell University
A Projection-Based Consistent Test Incorporating Dimension-Reduction in Partial Linear Models
Dr. Hua Liang
George Washington University
Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals with Improved Uniformity
Dr. Mo Jiang
Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
Parallel Adaptive Survivor Selection for Large-Scale Simulation Optimization
Dr. Barry L. Nelson
Northwestern University
The Origin of Lie Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations and the Rise of Abstract Lie Algebras
Dr. Ryad Ghanam
Virginia Commonwealth University - Qatar
Gaussian-Process Approximations for Big Data
Dr. Matthias Katzfuss
Texas A&M University
Efficient Stochastic Simulation Optimization Algorithms and their Applications
Dr. Jie Xu
George Mason University
Bayes’ Theorem – Making Rational Decisions in the Face of Uncertainty
Dr. Allen Butler
President & CEO
Daniel H. Wagner Associates, Inc.
Simulation-Driven Learning and Optimization
Dr. Chun-Hung Chen
George Mason University
Engineering-Knowledge-Driven Statistical Modeling for Spatial Data
Professor Kaibo Wang
Tsinghua University
Effective Policies for Transportation and Pollution Reduction on North America’s International Borders
Dr. Linda Fernandez
Virginia Commonwealth University
The Adaptive Sampling Gradient Method for Optimizing Smooth Functions with an Inexact Oracle
Dr. Raghu Pasupathy
Purdue University
Generalized Additive Coefficient Models with High-Dimensional Covariates for GWAS
Dr. Hua Liang
George Washington University
Bayesian Experimental Design and Hierarchical Model for Quantitative and Qualitative Responses
Dr. Lulu Kang
Illinois Institute of Technology
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
Design of Order-of-Addition Experiments
Dr. Dennis Lin
Penn State University
Structuring Textual Data with Applications to Multimodal Corpora
Dr. Taylor Arnold
University of Richmond
Multiscale Decision Theory: From Foundations to Applications
Dr. Christian Wernz
Virginia Commonwealth University
Learning from Streaming and Imbalanced Data
Dr. Bartosz Krawczyk
Virginia Commonwealth University
Statistical Modeling of Power Grid Uncertainties and Vulnerability
Dr. Zhifang Wang
Virginia Commonwealth University
Neuroimaging-Based Brain Connectivity Methods with their Applications in the Substance Use Disorders
Dr. Liangsuo Ma
Virginia Commonwealth University
Practical Heteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling for Large Simulation Experiments
Dr. Robert Gramacy
Virginia Tech
Adaptive Sensing and Distributed Sparse Signal Recovery in Sensor Networks
Dr. Ruixin Niu
Virginia Commonwealth University
Verifying NARCCAP Models for Severe-Storm Environments
Dr. Eric Gilleland
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Outlier Tolerant Algorithms for Computer Vision and Phase Retrieval
Dr. Paul Hand
Rice University
Data-Driven Stochastic Optimization: A Learning-Based Perspective
Dr. Henry Lam
University of Michigan
The Adaptive Sampling Gradient Method for Optimizing Smooth Functions with an Inexact Oracle
Dr. Raghu Pasupathy
Purdue University
Simulation Optimization: Efficient Sampling Procedure for Finding the Best
Dr. Yijie Peng
University of Maryland
Using DEA in Conjunction with Designs of Experiments: An Approach to Assess Simulated Futures in the Afghan Educational System
Dr. Benjamin J. Marlin
Virginia Commonwealth Universityu
Analysis of Spatial Data Over Complex Domains
Dr. Guannan Wang
College of William and Mary
Bhattacharyya Distance: From Concept to Grant Application
Dr. Arny Stromberg
University of Kentucky
Impact of Climate Change on Mortality in Southeastern United States
Dr. Montserrat Fuentes
Virginia Commonwealth University
Generators for Nonregular 2^(k-p) Fractional Factorial Designs
Dr. Robert Mee
University of Tennessee
Computer Experiments in Industry: Applications, Challenges and Solutions
Dr. Bill Myers
Procter and Gamble
A Complete Spatial Downscaler
Dr. Yen-Ning Huang
Virginia Commonwealth University
Aeromedical Battlefield Evacuation Under Endogenous Uncertainty in Casualty Delivery Times
Dr. Miguel Lejeune
George Washington University
Optimal Penalized Function-on-Function Regression under a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework
Dr. Pang Du
Virginia Tech
How Firing Rate Heterogeneity is Mediated by Intrinsic and Network Heterogeneity
Dr. Cheng Ly
Virginia Commonwealth University
A Probability Package
Dr. Larry Leemis
College of William and Mary
A Per-Base Regression Model for ChIP-seq Peak Calling
Dr. Nak-Kyeong Kim
Virginia Commonwealth University
Stochastic Gradient Estimation: Tutorial Review and Recent Research
Dr. Michael Fu
University of Maryland
A Marginal Proportional Hazards Model for Spatially-Referenced Dental Survival Data
Dr. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay
Virginia Commonwealth University
Connecting Model-Based Predictions to Reality
Dr. Dave Higdon
Virginia Tech
Functional Gaussian Process for Large Scale Bayesian Nonparametric Analysis
Dr. Xia Wang
University of Cincinnati
A Brief History of Classification and Regression Trees
Dr. Wei-Yin Loh
University of Wisconsin-Madison
A Unified Approach to Semi-Infinite Linear Optimization and Duality in Convex Optimization
Dr. Amitabh Basu
Johns Hopkins University
Defending Against DDoS Attacks to Software Defined Networks Using Requests Prioritization
Dr. Carol Fung
Virginia Commonwealth University
Robust Estimation and Variable Selection in Sufficient Dimension Reduction
Dr. Hossein Moradi
Virginia Commonwealth University
Online Updating of Computer Model Output Using Real-Time Sensor Data
Dr. Xinwei Deng
Virginia Tech
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) Formulations for the Pollution Routing Problem
Dr. Yongjia Song
Virginia Commonwealth University
Approximate Bayesian Inference for Simulation and Optimization
Dr. Ilya Ryzhov
University of Maryland